Sunday 22 September 2013

MGB 4013


It's a new semester friends! And this is absolutely a brand new subject for us to get to know about and understand the knowlegde.

so, in the first lecture, Miss Ummi asked us to built a tower from the newspaper within 10 minutes as she said the tallest tower will be the winner. So we were divided into groups of 10 to 13 group members to set up the highest tower as we can. 10 minutes passed quickly and the tower were evaluated based on its strength and verily, my group tower was not the one that stand still till the end. Poor us but its okay. Anyhow, the essence of the activity is basically a good strategic followed by an excellent cooperation from group members.

It was an exciting activities as everybody participated and learnt that strategic is important as the implementation of the strategy itself. 

Thank you for spending your time, see you in the next entry. :)

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