Saturday 7 December 2013

Chapter 7

This chapter discuss about the diamond framework.

The Diamond Framework answers important questions about competing on an international basis by
1. Predicting where new foreign entrants are likely to come from and their strengths
2. Highlighting foreign market opportunities where rivals are weakest
3. Identifying the location-based advantages of conducting certain value chain activities of the firm in a particular country

There are Export Strategies, Licensing and Franchising Strategies, Foreign Subsidiary Strategies,  Greenfield Strategies provided for competing in International Markets.

Collaborative Strategies involving alliances or joint ventures with foreign partners are a popular way for companies to edge their way into the markets of foreign countries.

While Cross-border alliances enable a growth-minded company to widen its geographic coverage and strengthen its competitiveness in foreign markets; at the same time, they offer flexibility and allow a company to retain some degree of autonomy and operating control.

That's all for this entry. See you next time. Thank you. :)

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