Saturday 7 December 2013


It's a sharing session friends! :)  The sharing session was conducted by Mrs. Asnidar Hanim Yusuf, the owner of O-Shima Japanese Restaurant. The restaurant located at Kiosk B3, Shah Alam Walk , Persiaran Majlis , 40000 Shah Alam, Malaysia.

As Madam Asnidar sharing her education background, she said that she have a degree and master in engineering but her passion towards foods are bigger that she decided to opened a Japanese restaurant which provided by HALAL product. 

Madam Asnidar faced obstacle in getting HALAL certification for her restaurant since the suppliers do not want to get the HALAL certificate for their product or ingredient used in the food that she sell in her restaurant. She also shared the upside down of her business through the years and ALHAMDULILLAH, now her restaurant survived and have been accepted among the people in the area. :)

Madam Asnidar once said that "Its not always bad to fail, the most important thing is how you bounce back after the failure". Its not worth it if you cries over the river yet do nothing to stand yourself after that so it is important to gain as much knowledge as we can to get involved in business field.

This is some of the menu provided in O-Shima Restaurant. I personally want to get there and taste the variety of menu provided at the restaurant, insyaAllah. :)


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